Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Foursquare, Instagram, WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Flickr, Youtube or other Social Media? Great news, this event is for you!
Mark the date June 30, 2013 – Sunday at SM City Cagayan de Oro from 2pm-5pm as we celebrate the Social Media Day!
What is Social Media Day?
Social Media Day is an annual international event on June 30 that recognizes the digital revolution happening around the world. This is a global celebration of the technological advancements that have given rise to the connected generation.
In Cagayan de Oro, we are expecting to gather the city’s Social Media enthusiasts, bloggers, practitioners from the media and SM City Cagayan de Oro shoppers for photo opportunities holding the social media icons and showing the world the power of Social Media.
Cagayan de Oro City will be one of the more than 487 cities celebrating Social Media Day around the world!
Kagayanons, let us show the world that we are a CONNECTED CITY using SOCIAL MEDIA.
Spread the news using the hashtags #SMDay #SMDay2013.
It’s a 3-in-1 event, #SMDay, CDO Bloggers Tipok-Tipok and Last Day for CDO Bloggers Membership.
Alma Ebuna- Hnanguie
Alma is @lifediscourse on Twitter, Instagram and everywhere else.
Alma has been on social media for the longest time. She started with Friendster, Facebook and Twitter. She was one of the earlier testers for revamped Google Wave and Buzz and subsequently became addicted to Twitter and Facebook.
Her social media presence started getting some clout on Twitter. She uses the platform to find like-minded people, as well as rant and rave about services that please or displease her.
Originally from Phillips Bukidnon, Alma has traveled extensively right after graduating from the University of the Philippines in Diliman. Notably known for her itchy feet and prowess in finding information and research, Alma started her online career 2007, as an article writer, then Virtual Assistant then now, Project Manager and Affiliate Marketer for a privately held information publishing and marketing firm headquartered in Pafos, Cyprus focusing on the development of digital tools and software to internet users worldwide. The organization seeks to help businesses and individuals achieve higher results through the application of some of the latest internet technologies.
Keynote Speaker: Maria Irene Aserios
Maria Irene Aserios is a blogger, social media strategist, publicist, experienced journalist, travel writer and photographer. With solid background and intensive experience in social media marketing, brand management and public relations, she is a trusted digital strategist for various brands, businesses and individuals here and abroad. She provides brand strategy, content marketing, online publishing and online marketing services.
After working in the traditional media community for several years, she discovered the power of the Internet, blogging and social media. She then started her own blogs, some of which have fetched awards from the Philippine Blog Awards. She then created a bloggers and social media club with the aim that it can help enable citizen empowerment, social responsibility and even generate passive income. An active member of several other bloggers and online media groups, she is well-versed in public diplomacy, building communities and using the power of volunteerism.
A passionate advocate of social media for social good, she started a Typhoon Sendong relief and donation drive which became viral on the Internet and generated hundreds of thousands of pesos worth of cash and goods. She also started a #MindanaoHelpsManila drive during the August 2012 flood in Manila. The drives raised awareness about the power of blogging/micro-blogging as well as volunteerism. She continues to actively participate in various causes.
In 2012, she was invited by the U.S. Department of State as an official delegate to the International Visitor Leadership Program, a U.S. government-sponsored program for emerging global leaders. She toured the USA and met with high-profile American government officials, community leaders and counterparts.
- Opening Remarks
- CDO Bloggers History
- Intro about Social Media Day
- Introduction of the 1st Speaker – Alma Ebuna- Hnanguie
- Possibilities of Earning Online with Social Media by Alma Ebuna- Hnanguie
- Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Maria Irene Aserios
- Role of Social Media During Sendong, Social Media Advocacy and Responsibilities
- Awarding of Certificate to the Speakers
- Open Discussion
- Photo Opportunity
Facebook Event Page:
The Social Media Day in Cagayan de Oro is organized by CDO Bloggers, Inc. through the help of SM City Cagayan de Oro. Special thanks to Smart Communications for the freebies.